2011年1月28日 星期五

Improvement of UV transilluminator

Maestrogen never satisfied current instruments in bio-tech field. We try to improve performance and safety of UV transilluminator(UV box), which is the most popular instrument in every laboratory. How can Maestrogen do that? Which part of UV box could be improved after hundreds of companies lauching their own UV box?

1. Safety

Tranditionally, anti-UV plastic boards are applied to UV box for stopping UV light penetration. However, that could only cut off 92% UV light, there is still 8% UV light penetrating blocking shield and hurt researcher directly. Maestrogen innovate special technique to treat anti-UV plastic, and finally improve safety of UV box. Now Maestrogen's blocking shield could stop more than 99.99% UV light penetrating, provide the safest envrironment to researchers.
2. Outstanding Performance

Every researcher has get used to this phenomenon: a huge noise jumped out when you press on/off button, then you can see UV lamp to be lighted inside the box, the shape of lamps is so clear, you can even know how many lamps and where they located.

In fact, this phenomen is abnormal. What we mean is, how can human beings see UV light? The transmitting light is visible light actually, when UV lamps emit UV light, there is some visible light being emitted at the same time. These visible light form background and interfere observation. Maestrogen innovate special black glass which could block all visible light and only allow UV light to penetrate. This innovation could lower background and perform unbelievalbe contrast.

3.Strong Metal Frame

After using several years, most UV boxes' blacking shield supporting bearing will be broken. Finally researchers have to use one hand to hold shield and cut gel by only one hand. Maestrogen's innovative device changed this rediculous scene forever. We apply laptop's supporting frame onto UV trans, which can sustain million times usage. This device even can allow researcher to fix angle of blocking shield, no need to hold shield by arms.

If you need more detailed information about this product, please check our website: http://www.maestrogen.com/product_list.asp?pdt_MainType=1&pdt_SubType=1&BRDarea=1

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  2. Thanks for sharing this valuable info!
    At Xitij Instruments we care about the users who care about finding the new things! And we care about finding new state of art instruments like UV Transilluminators and other lab equipments for our valued customers.
